Knowledge booster SimplyTag

Free SimplyTag knowledge booster

Find out how SimplyTag can help you save time, strengthen customer loyalty and allows you to work more efficiently at the same time by tuning into our SimplyTag webinar.

Our host Sebastian Bode will introduce you to SimplyTag and show you how you can take advantage of its benefits as a window, door and curtain wall manufacturer. We will cover the following topics:


Storing and accessing data

  • Store data in the app directly from Logikal, eg. CE marking, dimensions, work order, maintenance letter
  • Clear link between data and the respective element
  • Access data via QR code tag on the element
  • Paperless documentation


CE labelling

  • Transfer mandatory CE markings digitally
  • Efficiency and legal certainty
  • Reduce administrative effort


Customer retention and support

  • Direct contact via SimplyTag app for maintenance, repairs and follow-up orders 
  • Send damage reports complete with image via the app
  • Personalisation: Add your logo to the SimplyTag


Join now free of charge

Allow yourself half an hour and see how easily you can benefit from SimplyTag in your day-to-day operations. The webinar is free of charge. To attend, please use the link to register for your preferred time.


Knowledge booster SimplyTag

Monday, 4 December 20232:00 pm   Register


For more information about SimplyTag, click here:  SimplyTag